Long Live the Queen
It’s Saturday again, even though we only had one seven days ago. Where does the time go? Video games and eating ice-cream. That’s my excuse, what’s yours? It’s been a slightly shorter week for some of you, given Memorial Day. Hope that you enjoyed your extended weekend.
You may remember last week I said I was entering a Mortal Kombat 11 tournament? Well, I didn’t go 0 – 2, but it was hardly a final score worth shouting about. Fucking Geras. Still, with the announcement my long-term fave Sindel is finally returning to the mix, I fear I may be officially locked into MK 11 for a least another year or two. Better Git Gud.
Aside from that, I also leapt back into Overwatch, which I’ve been neglecting in recent months. While there are elements of that game – and its playerbase – that are starting to suffer as time goes on, I can’t deny that when I ‘m running around with my gals Mercy and Sombra, (and I have teammates who understand their roles), it’s still an awesome multiplayer experience. It’s all about the mix.
What about you guys ‘n’ gals? As noted last week, things are a little quiet on the new release front, which at least gives everyone an opportunity to sink into some old times faves, or hit those backlog titles that never got started. Since we started this Saturday morning shindig, it’s always been interesting to see the variety of games being played by you, our beloved community. So drop us a note and let us know what’s yanking your crank right now.
Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid