Cblog Recaps: Which is your favorite Capcom franchise?

cblog recaps destructoid

Cblogs of 12/10 to 12/16/2022

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Darrenhupke announces the availability of his book detailing Capcom’s entire PS1 library of games.

Virtua Kazuma wonders if Virtua Quest was Sega’s answer to Kingdom Hearts.

MSonicfan rants about Sonic and the sheer number of Badnicks he has to deal with.

TheBlondeBass updates everyone on the progress of his game, Mirama, in this dev blog.

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PhilsPhindings discusses the similarities between the soundtrack of Final Fantasy IX and traditional Irish Music.

Beatlemaniaxx goes over everything they read or watched this year.

ChronoLynxx opens this week’s TGIF forum for random community discussion.

Thanks for the blogs this week, folks! And thanks to Lord Spencer for the recap. If you wanna join in on the HOT TAKE party, then head on over to the Cblogs section right now. Spill your thoughts on all matters gaming, and you will find yourself recapped on this here front page next week. In addition, we’ve been informed that there are some issues with the blog editor currently. We will try and get this looked into.

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