Who are the Hidden People?

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Destructoid has been alerted to a fascinating new website that has captured paranormal activity on video and shared it with the masses. To all the skeptics and doubters out there, this site is proof positive that strange things walk among us. I know it’s not videogame related, and totally isn’t some viral marketing scam for what might be this game, but the truth of the Hidden People is so astonishing I had to share it. 

In the above video, you’ll see startling footage of a Hidden Person. The site asks who the Hidden People are, but apparently all will be revealed on June 25. I, for one, am very interested to see where this goes. I was once a proud skeptic like my dear readers, but this stunning evidence is too compelling to ignore. 

We’ll be following this jawdropping story, so keep reading Destructoid to find out more. 

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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