The above image was shown to me by a member of a videogame forum I host, Project Wonderboy, showing just how efficient and useful Nintendo’s Wii Friend codes actually are. As you know, Nintendo likes to protect the little kiddies who might be playing their games online and as you can see from this image of Mario Strikers Charged, the system really does work! As the poster of the image said:
Yes, I can see that the Big N successfully keeps perversion and online jack asses away from our children by the usage of those great Friend codes. Thank God we have them to prevent anything vulgar to ever reach our sensitive Nintendo playing eyes…
I couldn’t put it better myself, really. Oh, and if I can be serious for a minute — you know that Friend codes are rubbish, I know that friend codes are rubbish. They’re inconvenient and a complete hindrance to online play. Besides which, even without Mr. SukItFuckr here, the Friend code system is a token gesture at best, especially with countless message boards out there where you can go trade your codes with complete strangers. If the pedophiles are anywhere, they’ll be right there, where kids who want to play online congregate to have their Miis touched in less than appropriate places. Friend codes do not lessen the chance that Nintendo products could be used to abuse children, it just shunts them off Nintendo’s property and allows the soliciting to take place elsewhere in potentially less moderated, easier to navigate environments.
So instead, I propose a brand new system, one that is efficient, fast and helps us all as gamers to enjoy the online experience together in harmony. It is in fact the only system that could stop children getting themselves into trouble online and keep them safe from pervoids and predators on the Internet.
I call it the “parents doing their bloody jobs as parents” system.