CTZ slipped this into his Weekend Destructainment, but this kid still has me laughing. I would like to think that at the tender age of twenty-something I have got it going on for myself. I am old enough to reap the benefits of open bar gaming events, just about ready to churn out an academic degree in awesome, and I have finally (yes, finally) managed to collect over the one-hundred mark of MySpace friends. That is correct, both Betsy and Aaron have free iPods waiting just for me, suckers.
Despite what I may attempt to accomplish before my bones begin to crackle and I start to reel in vernal, unsuspecting gaming girls to act as part of my devoted harem, the younger generations never fail to remind me how very little I’ve managed to achieve in a mere two decades.
Such is this 22-month old tyke who demonstrates with gusto and tenacity the fine art of swaying a Wiimote around at the right time to effectively play Wii Tennis. While the scenario of kid aged x-years-old beating x Wii game isn’t a new one, this baby manages to tug at our ‘aww’ strings a smidge more with his cutting-edge jumping-bean technique and next-gen Maddox-kid ambiance.
In conclusion, Asian babies are probably better than you at a lot of things. So get used to it.