Will there be Tekken 8 guest characters?

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Will there be Tekken 8 guest characters?

There is so much potential when you think of possible Tekken 8 guest characters. In Tekken 7, we’ve seen Final Fantasy XV‘s Noctis, Street Fighter‘s Akuma, and The Walking Dead‘s Negan enter the fray.

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Kazuya in Tekken 8
Image via Bandai Namco

Have any Tekken 8 guest characters been announced?

As of the time of writing, there are currently no Tekken 8 guest characters in the roster or planned to be joining. The 32 heroes and villains in this fighting game are all old-school characters or newcomers to the series. Eddy Gordo joins as DLC sometime in the Spring, with three more additions coming as 2024 progresses.

“We do not plan to develop guest characters first,” said Bandai Namco’s Game Director and Chief Producer of the Action/Fighting games Katsuhiro Harada on Twitter in July. Later on, he mentioned, “Even if we think about guest characters, it will be after the release.”

Who could appear as a guest character?

Many fans are hoping that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth‘s Tifa appears in the Tekken 8 roster, due to her fisticuff fighting style. She’s so popular that even Harada referenced her possible appearance in the game.

“We all know she is attractive and I understand that,” he said on Twitter. “But as yet we have not decided anything about guest characters etc.”

If Tifa joins the battle, it would be a great cross-promotion opportunity for Square Enix. She would arguably fit better in a Tekken game than Noctis, as his move set revolves around weapons, not his punches and kicks. Square Enix is open to collabs, as Final Fantasy VII had a crossover event in Apex Legends over January 2024.

Others suggest Like A Dragon‘s Kazuma Kiryu could fit well in Tekken 8. However, former director of the series Toshihiro Nagoshi said to Red Bull France that he doesn’t want the character to attack women. On the other hand, Nagoshi left Sega and RGG Studio in January 2022. The opportunity could be on the table.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris is a writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.
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