Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have just announced their first Nintendo 3DS title. Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is timed to release on all platforms to tie in with the upcoming film, and the 3DS version will use the system’s 3D capabilities to deliver multi-plane graphics. That’s stereoscopic 3D, folks.
There’s more 3D in the line-up, but it’s anaglyphic 3D, on your television set, with those funky glasses, in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game. If you happen to have a 3D HDTV, the console versions will also support that. For 2D fans, the Wii and standard DS versions will have you covered.
The Green Lantern film hits theaters on June 17th; the game Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters hits ten days before, on June 7th.