World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Zones by Level

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Zones by Level

All Cataclysm Zones ordered by Level Range

The World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion shakes things up all across the world of Azeroth, including the level range for each zone and where you should go based on your level. With the release of World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, zone levels have changed once again. Below is every World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Zone by Level, so you know the flow of where you should go as you progress.

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WoW Cataclysm Classic Zones by Level

WoW Cataclysm Classic Zones by Level

Early levels for each faction are different in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, with Alliance starting mostly on the Eastern Kingdom’s continent and Horde beginning mostly in Kalimdor. As you reach the new Level Cap of 85, however, the final few zones are the same regardless of faction. Here are each factions leveling zones in WoW Cataclysm Classic:

Alliance 1-85 Leveling Zones

Level RangeZone
1-12Azuremyst Isle, Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Gilneas, Teldrassil
10-20Bloodmyst Isle, Darkshore, Loch Modan
15-20Redrdidge Mountains
20-25Ashenvale, Duskwood, Wetlands
25-30Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn Vale, Stonetalon Mountains
30-35Southern Barrens, The Cape of Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands
35-40Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, Western Plaguelands
40-45Eastern Plaguelands, Thousand Needles
45-50Badlands, Felwood, Searing Gorge, Tanaris
49-52Burning Steppes
50-55Swamp of Sorrows, Winterspring, Un’Goro Crater
55-60Blasted Lands, Silithus
58-62Hellfire Pensinula
62-66Terokkar Forest
65-68Blade’s Edge Mountains
67-70Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley
68-72Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord
73=75Grizzly Hills
76-78Sholazar Basin
77-80Crystalsong Forest, Icecrown, The Storm Peaks
80-82Hyjal, Vashj’ir
84-85Twilight Highlands

Horde1-85 Leveling Zones

Level RangeZone
1-12Durotar, Eversong Woods, Kezan & The Lost Isles, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades
10-20Azshara, Ghostlands, Northern Barrens, Silverpine Forest
20-25Ashenvale, Hillsbrad Foothills
25-30Arathi Highlands, Northern Stranglethorn Vale, Stonetalon Mountains
30-35Southern Barrens, The Cape of Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands
35-40Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, Western Plaguelands
40-45Eastern Plaguelands, Thousand Needles
45-50Badlands, Felwood, Searing Gorge, Tanaris
49-52Burning Steppes
50-55Swamp of Sorrows, Un’Goro Crater, Winterspring
55-60Blasted Lands, Silithus
58-62Hellfire Peninsula
62-66Terokkar Forest
65-68Blade’s Edge Mountains
67-70Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley
68-72Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord
73-75Grizzly Hills
76-78Sholazar Basin
77-80Crystalsong Forest, Icecrown, The Storm Peaks
80-82Hyjal, Vashj’ir
84-85Twilight Highlands

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.