For the last ten years, the collectible card game Hearthstone has been a great way to enjoy the Warcraft universe outside of the MMO. But as of today, you can now enjoy it inside World of Warcraft as well! And there’s some great rewards waiting if you decide to log in and celebrate. The event runs until March 18.
How to get the Fiery Hearthsteed Mount
The first thing you might want to do is grab yourself a flaming-hot mount by logging into the game Hearthstone. Doing so on the same Account as your WoW account will immediately unlock it for use. Then you can just log into World of Warcraft and find it in your mount collection.
The Hearthstone Anniversary Questline

Now that you’re in WoW with your new horse, it’s time to do a quick quest. MC Farala will have sent you an item in the mail, so check the nearest mailbox to pick it up. It will come with an attached item that starts a quest. Find Farala at the Hearthstone event space in either Valdraken or your faction’s capital city. Then you’ll receive a quest to “Play Hearthstone!”
There are two ways to complete this quest. One is to approach an empty seat at a table and wait for an opponent to join you. The two of you can then play a very special version of the card game within World of Warcraft. The table space is realistically limited, so your best bet is likely to find a Shady Dealer nearby. Buy a 5-pack of cards from them and take them near the game tables. Spam the item until it uses up all 5 charges. Either way, you’ll complete the quest for turn in.
To find the locations using the TomTom add-on, you can use the waypoints below:
- Valdrakken: /way 62.2, 67.0 – The Shady Dealer is on the bridge that connects to this rooftop.

- Stormwind: /way 34.0, 21.0 – The Shady Dealer is under a nearby tree.

- Outside Orgrimmar: /way 53.1, 16.2 – The Shady Dealer is under a nearby tree.

Portal Events And Rewards
Finally, there is a periodic event that starts at the top of every hour in one of the three locations where Hearthstone tables are set up. Chat with players in-game to find out which one is currently active, but it rotates between the three locations like so: Orgrimmar > Valdrakken > Stormwind > Back to Orgrimmar. When these events happen, a portal will open up with a count-down timer. The gnomish toymaker Whizbang will erupt from the portal with an army of minions. Stop them from stampeding all over the place and you’ll collect one of a variety of rewards. Those include:
- Compass Rose Mount
- Sarge pet
- Collector’s Carryall 36 slot bag
- Stone of the Hearth hearthstone (for teleporting back to inns)
- The Tavern’s Tabard
- Taverner’s Belt cosmetic
- Reno’s Lucky Hat cosmetic
- Hearthstone Wild Card
- a random Collectable Hearthstone Card. Collecting 10 gets you the “Hearthstone Beginner” achievement and a Hearthstone Game Table toy. Collecting all 21 of these gets the “Hearthstone Card Collection” achievement.
You can find our full event guide here.
Published: Mar 13, 2024 09:59 am