Many Xbox Live Arcade owners are stuck in a rut. The console doesn’t come with a hard drive, which means demos and large trailers are out of the question. Secondly, owners apparently don’t have access to Xbox Live – which almost invalidates their purchase of console, doesn’t it? In response to this, Microsoft is tossing out an Xbox Live Starter Pack, designed to fit all the needs of an Xbox owner wanting to get in on this whole Internet “thing.”
The listing for the kit is over at Gamestop. It will contain a 60GB hard drive, wired headset, Ethernet cable, and a three-month gold card for Xbox Live all for the low, low price of $99.
The Starter Pack can also be seen as a preparation item for the New Xbox Experience, which Nick had the awesome opportunity to check out. As we mentioned previously, NXE will require 128MB of memory and will need the Internet for the cool stuff like streaming Netflix movies. While 128MB is substantially less than 60GB, it’s always nice to have some extra space to throw around.