After making it through some early server issues, players have been jumping into XDefiant‘s high-octane gameplay, but players are struggling to level up their weapons, labeling the progression system as “criminally slow.”
If you’ve managed to get into the servers, find a match, and actually been able to use your controller to play, you may have realized that earning XP is a slow process, especially when it comes to your weapons. This isn’t ideal, as weapon leveling is how you unlock attachments for your guns.
In a post on the XDefiant subreddit, Lo0ksToTheMo0n stated that even though they had played for five to seven hours, they had “barely” unlocked any gun attachments. “Unlocking the guns and factions themselves is fine but the attachments are absurd. It’s so demoralizing trying your best and seeing all your effort rewarded with what is, pretty much, quite literally a drop in the ocean of progress in this game.”

For some, this decision is intentional, with Enigma_Green writing that they “reckon Ubisoft just wants you to buy Double XP tokens for things like this,” a thought echoed by nickypoopoo69 who stated: “I was at the point last night where I considered buying one of the Founders Packs so I could get a handful of XP tokens. That made me realize what kind of game this really is, and I’m not 100% sure I will continue to play it.”
Unsurprisingly, players want to see changes from Ubisoft, asking them to make the grind for attachments much shorter. With players currently only earning new attachments every two or three levels, XDefiaint players want to see that switched to every level, meaning you could unlock every addition to the gun by Level 25 rather than Level 50 which it currently sits at.
I’ve found the attachment grind incredibly slow too, and can sympathise with the players above. I refuse to pay to give myself an XP boost, especially when fans who did buy them suggest they don’t make that much difference to the grind.
With unlockable camos, there’s no need to make attachments the thing you need to spend hours grinding. In the end, it will just push people away—something that Ubisoft can’t afford if they want to be a true Call of Duty competitor.
Published: May 23, 2024 05:20 am