Yakuza creator says handhelds will rule next generation

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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Yakuza and Binary Domain creator Toshihiro Nagoshi has made a bold claim — stating that handheld and mobile systems will dominate the next generation of games. He also believes that the PC market will continue to grow and help eclipse consoles. 

“Well, the first thing is that consoles — PS3, PS4, Xbox 360-2 — the market for those will get smaller, and the main market will become portable games,” he said. “I don’t think consoles will disappear, but more and more people will use home PCs for gaming, and a long time in the future it will just be PCs and mobile phones, and eventually mobiles will become just as powerful as games consoles.”

He also believes that the way we interact with games needs to change, and even believes that a new type of interface — outside of buttons or gestures — will be the key. 

“The most important and unavoidable thing is the interface. Right now, that means either buttons or touchscreens. Those are the only two interfaces we have. I think it’s strange the number of buttons has increased and never decreased. So that means we need to reset things, somehow. Like I was saying earlier, I think the answer lies in some as-yet unknown third type of interface.”

Weird that he didn’t bring up motion control, but it seems people have grown pretty tired of that by now. In any case, Nagoshi has his head screwed on tight and I think a lot of what he says looks pretty damn likely. With the amount of bullshit hitting consoles lately, I know I much prefer gaming on handhelds and PC at the moment. What about you? 

Portables, not home consoles, will dominate next-gen, says Yakuza creator [CVG]

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