‘This is so stupid!’
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PAX Prime 2014 is winding down, but that doesn’t mean those of us at home can’t pretend like we are there, stalking Max Scoville as he roams the show floor. I was going to give a detailed play-by-play of the video here, but I have decided that just pasting the notes I took while watching will suffice. Hope you like animals!
- Andy, Hamza, Jordan, and community member Muddbstrd as Mr. Destructoid
- Max Scoville looking for animals
- Guy on elevator gets creeped out
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel oxygen bar
- “This is so stupid!”
- Blake
- Somebody asks for Tara, but is so uninteresting that the video editor fast forwarded it
- Evolve monster crotch extreme closeup
- Max walks through a fart
- “Let’s go look at Pikachu’s asshole!”
- Paul who gets swag
- Woman who smiles knowingly about Max looking for a tank’s asshole
- Laserzone
So there you have it! The experience of walking the show floor with Max Scoville, and you didn’t even have to personally walk through a fart.
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Published: Aug 31, 2014 10:30 pm