It’s out today on PC
Game of Thrones is still a phenomenon, even if the show and the extreme delay of the book series has sullied its good name a bit.
There will probably be endless amounts of board games as long as that license is floating around, and it would be wise of any of those properties to downplay similarities between the show and play up the literary universe. That’s exactly what this new digital board game is doing, due out today from Asmodee Digital. They’re even proudly advertising it as “based on the novels.”
The gist? You’ll muck about for 10 rounds with both options for “diplomatic and combative” strategies, attempting to claim as many structures as possible: a sort of more-violent Carcassonne. It’s an adaptation of the popular 2003 board game from FFG, which is now in its second edition (released in 2011).
Although the player count has waxed and waned with expansions, the digital edition is aiming for six players simultaneously, with matchmaking and AI components. You can get a load of the gist via the trailer below.