Your Mass Effect 3 ending choice won’t affect Andromeda

Plus: why there was nothing at E3

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If you’re still bearing a grudge against Mass Effect 3‘s ending you may be happy to know that it doesn’t factor into the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda, which was again conspicuously absent from E3. I’m happy to learn that because — and I’m tugging at my collar comically here — I never did finish Mass Effect 3.

Andromeda was teased for the third straight E3 last week. BioWare head Aaryon Flynn told Eurogamer, of your trilogy-ending decision, “We acknowledged it in the endings of Mass Effect 3 and I think that’s where we want to leave it for now. We want this to be a new story and it would be very hard to say it’s a new story but also that you need to understand how [the past trilogy] ended.”

Because the new game takes place in a different galaxy, “We’ve done it in such a way that allows all of those decisions you made to remain intact in the canon of the universe, but also allows a new story to begin.” But there will still be callbacks to the original trilogy, lest superfans get upset. Certain familiar alien races will be represented alongside new ones, though, “[t]here are no green-skinned people,” wink wink.

As far as the light E3 showing, “[t]here’s definitely more stuff we could have shown or talked about,” Flynn said. It’s just that Andromeda (spring 2017) got pushed down in favor of Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 (fall 2016). After those two are out, BioWare will, “have a great big reveal and release all the details.”

“[Development] is healthy,” Flynn said. “Dragon Age: Origins was six years. Star Wars: The Old Republic was six years. The original Mass Effect was four. Maybe we’re just not the fastest at this!”

Why Mass Effect: Andromeda won’t acknowledge your ME3 ending choice [Eurogamer]

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Steven Hansen
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