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You may have heard about that kooky game Microsoft is brewing up for Xbox LIVE Vision cam, You’re in the Movies, where you get to act in your own B-movies. The game comes with 30 scripts that you can act out and will be bundled with the Vision cam for $70.
While it’s nice to know that I can now use my Vision cam for something other than seeing the republic of incredibly polite and mature gamers that make up the Xbox Live experience, I’m not sure this game would do it for me unless I were at a party. Drunk at a party.
At any rate, it will be released on November 17th, and there’s no word on whether ot not you can buy it separately if you already own the Vision cam. Let’s hope so, because that’d be sure to piss off cam owners who are interested and waiting to act out their own version of Evil Dead II. (If that was an option, I’d buy this thing on day one.)